
Metal hardcore metalcore melodic hardcore

Upcoming Shows

Past Shows

Show Date Venue
Ashylus | The Ongoing Concept Fri Dec 21, 2018 Pinnacle NW
Doyle | Ashylus | No Buffer | White City Graves | Psycho Theory Sun Sep 07, 2014 Studio Seven
Ashylus | Redeem the Exile | Thistopia | Tallest of Mountains | BENEATH ALL KAOS | Projections Mon Feb 10, 2014 Le Voyeur
Havenside | Ashylus Thu Apr 05, 2012 Studio Seven
Ashylus Wed Apr 04, 2012 The Hop
Burning Twilight | Across the Sun | Ashylus Thu May 05, 2011 Ray's Golden Lion
Ashylus | Return from Exile | Burning Twilight Fri Oct 15, 2010 Ray's Golden Lion
Return from Exile | Ashylus | Super Happy Story Time Land Sun Jul 18, 2010 Studio Seven

Looking for Collaborators

This artist is not looking for new collaborators.

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