
Upcoming Shows

Past Shows

Show Date Venue
Castele | MNMLST | Eyas/Luna | Toarn | The Lion and the Sloth | Constanza Sat Jul 23, 2022 Egan's Ballard Jam House
KAIZO | Eyas/Luna | Lilith | Pinebox | Insecure Sun May 01, 2022 The Funhouse
Nova Fracture | Eyas/Luna | Sight Received | Whats Wrong | Vacuous Fri Feb 18, 2022 Tony V's Garage
Avoid | Extortionist | Eyas/Luna | Seconds Ago Fri Nov 26, 2021 El Corazon

Looking for Collaborators

This artist is not looking for new collaborators.

copyright 2023, seattle music league. rian@seattlemusicleague.org Buy Me A Coffee