
Upcoming Shows

Past Shows

Show Date Venue
Poison Idea | Neutralboy | Acid Teeth | Fcon | Motar Fri Jan 06, 2017 The Charleston
Poison Idea | Neutralboy | Acid Teeth | Fcon | Motar Sat Dec 24, 2016 The Charleston
MDC | Ten Pole Drunk | Motar Fri Nov 14, 2014 The Charleston
Kramer | Cool Jerks | Motar Sat Jun 08, 2013 Mac's
Situation Normal | RU486 | Motar Fri Apr 26, 2013 The Charleston
School Shootings | Late to the Party | Motar Wed Feb 22, 2012 The Funhouse

Looking for Collaborators

This artist is not looking for new collaborators.

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