Open Veins

Punk hardcore crust crust punk


Brandy Rage - Vox Rick - Guitar Pete- Guitar Dustin - Bass Ryan - Drums

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Upcoming Shows

Past Shows

Show Date Venue
Nurser | Open Veins | Worth Nothing (Bremerton) | void dancer Fri Mar 25, 2022 Bar House
Axegrinder | Warplague | Open Veins | Fucked and Bound | REPROBATE Sat Jun 20, 2020 Highline
Varukers | Generation Decline | Open Veins Thu Aug 29, 2019 Highline
Heiress | Blood Drugs | Yellfire | Great Falls (WA) | World Peace | Livid | Open Veins Sat Jul 06, 2019 Victory Lounge
Toecutter | Open Veins | City Of Industry Wed Jul 03, 2019 The Kraken Bar & Lounge
Toecutter | Acid Teeth | Open Veins | Prison Fri May 17, 2019 Highline
Splatter | Dreadful Children | The Meatbeaters | Anoxia | Open Veins Mon May 13, 2019 The Funhouse
Warwound | The Plight | Open Veins | Anoxia Wed Dec 05, 2018 Highline
Deathgrave | Cliterati | Fetid | Open Veins Sat Jul 07, 2018 Georgetown Liquor Company
Open Veins | PissWand Wed Jun 13, 2018 The Funhouse
Nox Novacula | Arcane | Convictions | Traag | Open Veins Thu May 03, 2018 The Funhouse
Magick Gardens | Bigfoot Accelerator | Communist Eyes | Junto | Somatix | DJ Chris Jewel | Open Veins Sat Mar 03, 2018 Lucky Liquor Tavern

Looking for Collaborators

This artist is not looking for new collaborators.

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